I want to help!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Devil in the Details

I am excited to report that December's fundraiser went splendidly! Since then, a new quarter has started and I am so much closer to the end: next month I will be applying for graduation! This has been something I have worked towards through so much adversity. I won't tug at your heart strings, but it is an enormous accomplishment for me to be where I am now, from where I was just years ago. I am a first generation college student standing at the precipice of possibility because I refused to give up.

As hubris exudes from every pore, I am also anxious. I could be leaving the country within the year for 27 months. Though, with my internship, I may leave much sooner than that! I look forward with great excitement to what is to come, it is just the getting there that has my brain buzzing. There are so many loose ends, debts, cats, leases, applications...the list is dreadfully exhaustive. As pressing as these things are, I can't loose sight of each reading assignment, paper, and project I am involved in now.

For now I must remember to just keep my head screwed on straight and put one foot in front of the other.
Sometimes it means towing a dog in a gold coat