Hello again! How have you missed my treats? I know, it's been awhile. If you are new to this, thank you for supporting me, and be prepared for the kind of deliciousness only a sweet toothed snob can provide. This is a special cookie sale as the proceeds will provide a seed fund for my next big project. I want to work with the surrounding communities to help people cook for themselves and in the process, use less. A light on the wallet and the planet sort of diet. We all throw things AWAY all day, but where is away? I believe I can get people to make food that is not only better for them- it will be cheaper and make less trash. Look at that! By teaching people to make a pan of re-fried beans they can save major cash monies but also not use more than 10 metal cans! (Not to mention avoid the toxic plastic lining on the inside of those cans!). I also want to work with families and people on the go to make re-useable snack/produce/grocery bags that are affordable and take advantage of up/recycled materials.
Sounds great huh? But, that sounds like a lot of work?! Of course, nothing very good is ever very easy or someone would have already done it! But, with a little effort and encouragement, I think we can work together to put in a little more effort for a HUGE impact. How you say? Cookies and Candy says I! You can help by supporting me this holiday season. Buy a cookie plate or ten and some biscotti and peanut brittle. Buy them for yourself and family. You haven't been shopping yet, so, shop
Here's what I have for you this time around:
A plate with Lemony Slicer Cookies, 5 Spice Ginger Cookies, and Honey Refrigerator Cookies.
Lemony Slicers |
5 Spice Ginger Snaps |
Honey Refrigerator Cookies |
I am also offering a more chocolatey cookie plate with Chocolate-Hazelnut Crinkle Cookies, Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons, and Grasshopper Squares.
Chocolate-Hazelnut Crinkles |
Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons |
Grasshopper Squares |
If candy is more your thing, I have that too! Do you like Gingerbread Caramels? Turtles? Salted Toffee? Ooh, me too! Order this one!
Gingerbread Caramels |
Pecan Caramel Turtles |
Salted Toffee |
What if I don't have a big appetite? That's a lot of sugar! Cool, order by the half pound and dozen of these delectibles!
Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti |
Peanut Brittle |
Peppermint Bark |
Wait, I am drooling! Where do I order? OMG
HERE!!! Please have orders in by the 21st. I can get them out as soon as you need them, but no later than the 24th. I always accept special orders at any time of year!
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