I want to help!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Non-specific religious winter holiday cookie-candy extravaganza!

Hello again! How have you missed my treats? I know, it's been awhile. If you are new to this, thank you for supporting me, and be prepared for the kind of deliciousness only a sweet toothed snob can provide. This is a special cookie sale as the proceeds will provide a seed fund for my next big project. I want to work with the surrounding communities to help people cook for themselves and in the process, use less.  A light on the wallet and the planet sort of diet. We all throw things AWAY all day, but where is away? I believe I can get people to make food that is not only better for them- it will be cheaper and make less trash. Look at that! By teaching people to make a pan of re-fried beans they can save major cash monies but also not use more than 10 metal cans! (Not to mention avoid the toxic plastic lining on the inside of those cans!).  I also want to work with families and people on the go to make re-useable snack/produce/grocery bags that are affordable and take advantage of up/recycled materials.

Sounds great huh? But, that sounds like a lot of work?! Of course, nothing very good is ever very easy or someone would have already done it! But, with a little effort and encouragement, I think we can work together to put in a little more effort for a HUGE impact. How you say? Cookies and Candy says I! You can help by supporting me this holiday season. Buy a cookie plate or ten and some biscotti and peanut brittle. Buy them for yourself and family. You haven't been shopping yet, so, shop HERE!!!

Here's what I have for you this time around:

A plate with Lemony Slicer Cookies, 5 Spice Ginger Cookies, and Honey Refrigerator Cookies.
Lemony Slicers

5 Spice Ginger Snaps
Honey Refrigerator Cookies

I am also offering a more chocolatey cookie plate with Chocolate-Hazelnut Crinkle Cookies, Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons, and Grasshopper Squares.
Chocolate-Hazelnut Crinkles
Raspberry Chocolate Macaroons
Grasshopper Squares

If candy is more your thing, I have that too! Do you like Gingerbread Caramels? Turtles? Salted Toffee? Ooh, me too! Order this one!
Gingerbread Caramels

Pecan Caramel Turtles
Salted Toffee

What if I don't have a big appetite? That's a lot of sugar! Cool, order by the half pound and dozen of these delectibles!

Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti

Peanut Brittle
Peppermint Bark

Wait, I am drooling! Where do I order? OMG HERE!!! Please have orders in by the 21st. I can get them out as soon as you need them, but no later than the 24th.  I always accept special orders at any time of year!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Inbetween times

I have been NOMINATED!! I am going to Latin America to serve with Youth Development. I can go one of eight places... The beaches are great, the food is noms, the forests are full of awesome... these are places to get used to!

El Salvador
Honduras (Pupusas!!)
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It has begun

It had seemed like a dream, and until now: it was a dream. It was dreamed up during a 10 hour hike in Costa Rica with a good friend. In that country, I found the audacity to believe in the impossible, and feel comfortable living in the improbable. My whole life had been improbable, though this experience made me more comfortable with it. Statistically, people like me don't study abroad, they don't apply to UC schools, they don't think about the possibility of being good enough two years of their life living in another country serving others in the Peace Corps. People like me get knocked up, drop out of high school, work in dead end jobs, and treat their kids like they were treated and perpetuate that cycle.

I am an exception. I graduated high school, I have my Associates Degree, I got into UC Davis and I am graduating there soon. I have an amazing record of non-profit organizing, and generally have my shit together. I have always been the exception, but in Costa Rica, I found the courage to aim higher, to not just defy statistics, but to defy my own ideas of how wonderful my life could be. I found a way to ignore all of those voices that kept begging "what if?", and chase my dreams untethered by the bounds of possibility. I have been reassured at several points as I keep achieving what I was never "suppose to" have been able to do: graduating, knowing the people I do, projects I have completed, and the happiness I have found.

Here is my greatest point of reassurance. I just received my Peace Corps packet. I submitted my application, and am working toward an interview. I got fingerprinted, ordered my transcripts and filled out an authorization for a background check. It had seemed like a dream up until this point, and now the paper work and appointments force me to realize that I have arrived.

This isn't exactly a physical place, or any specific event that marks my life. It is more a feeling, like when you see the credits come up in the movie theater after a double feature, or you close a book that took you months to finish: it's that feeling of reawakening, that realization that you had been absent for some time, and now you can get up and begin living again.

My absence began when I was 11. I was a sad little girl. That night was especially wretched with anxious yelling: the deepest kind of anger manifesting itself into a visceral cacophony that filled my house. I had interjected myself into the fighting at this point when I had tried desperately to defend my mother. I had unfortunately also made myself a target. Words and objects flew, sometimes without target, like a large impending disaster, I knew we should be evacuating. But, I was stuck. We were stuck. That night, I knew this was a time I would have to wait out. I sat with a calendar and a calculator and counted the days until I was 18.  It was something over 2,000, and I never lost count.

I have lived for that little girl ever since. Every act in my life was to prove to her that I never forgot her pain. I gave until it hurt so no one I knew would ever feel so alone, and I loved more deeply every chance I got to share some happiness with someone. My life was so full of joy to spite all of my pain.

I feel awake now. I feel like the lights have come up and I closed the back cover. I feel like leaving my life behind here, and really starting. I am done living for a vendetta.I have lived behind books telling me nothing changes and the world is full of woe and darkness. I want to see for myself, and prove some more people wrong. I am so ready to GO. I am ready to burst forth, fueled by optimism and compassion, and finally be that change that I have wanted so badly to see. I want to experience life; ride on its pulse. I am so eager to just BE.

I have so much ahead of me, and so much to digest. It has only started.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Screw the Easter Bunny! I got the goods!

It's that time again. CANDY! Made with the kind of hippy love no florescently lit grocery store can offer. I am getting adventurous this time: going out on a delicious culinary limb and trying some new things! It's the time of year to over-indulge in sweets (again), so treat yourself! All this in time for the end of Lent! Order! Order! Order Here!

Here's what you can look forward to:

Ooooh! Cherry Cordials? Yes! Home-made fondant...hand poured chocolate? I know, I'm drooling too!

What is this you say? Nomtastic is what! Hand-made marshmallow, home-made caramel...hand dipped no less! Oooh, you fancy huh?    

Diamonds? No, we like our jewel shaped confections conflict free, lolsrsly! What they are- are not only beautiful but tasty. Toasted coconut chocolate? Or, how about toasted almond and cherry? Either way, they're as pretty as they are nommy!

Pecans? Caramel? AND Chocolate?! OMGWTFBBQ!!!1! I Love Turtles! Do you?

Good news Everyone! With this purchase, not only do you support your favorite non-violent revolutionary (moi), but 10% of profits will be donated to Richard Noble. He is a fantastic human being dedicating well over one year of his life walking the Rainbow Flag from the Golden Gate Bridge to the other coast! His biggest goal is to alter the Federal Civil Rights Act to include extending protecting gender identity and sexuality. Along the way he is asking each municipality to adopt new anti-bullying and pro-civil rights legislature. He is doing a brave, and arduous act so that we can all enjoy a more fair tomorrow a lot sooner.

Also, look forward to some non-delicious creations in the coming months! Sneak peek!

Stuffed things! Hand-sewn with embroidered details? Definitely squee-worthy!

Hair flowers! Specially designed bouquets for your pretty face!

Feathered hair bands! (Note: will not give you powers of flight.)  

 Are you excited? I am!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Terrific Truffletastic Valentines Venture

It's time again for me to whip up a storm in my kitchen for a good cause! Valentines day is weeks away! On a similar note, so is S.A.D: singles awareness day. Which ever holiday you choose to celebrate, one thing is for certain- you'll need candy, chocolate specifically, and lots of it. Wow! Lucky for you-there's me! Do you like truffles, no silly me, of course you do, who doesn't? The better question is- how many would you like? OOOh, Order Here! Yes Here! Orders will be delivered Wednesday and Thursday 9th and 10th of February, or you can come to my house and troll about and eat them on my couch, either way... Here's what I got cookin:

Peanut Butter Cups- in the shape of hearts no less!!
Salted Carmel Truffles

Double Chocolate Bliss Truffles
Red Velvet Truffles
 Stop Drooling and ORDER ALREADY!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Devil in the Details

I am excited to report that December's fundraiser went splendidly! Since then, a new quarter has started and I am so much closer to the end: next month I will be applying for graduation! This has been something I have worked towards through so much adversity. I won't tug at your heart strings, but it is an enormous accomplishment for me to be where I am now, from where I was just years ago. I am a first generation college student standing at the precipice of possibility because I refused to give up.

As hubris exudes from every pore, I am also anxious. I could be leaving the country within the year for 27 months. Though, with my internship, I may leave much sooner than that! I look forward with great excitement to what is to come, it is just the getting there that has my brain buzzing. There are so many loose ends, debts, cats, leases, applications...the list is dreadfully exhaustive. As pressing as these things are, I can't loose sight of each reading assignment, paper, and project I am involved in now.

For now I must remember to just keep my head screwed on straight and put one foot in front of the other.
Sometimes it means towing a dog in a gold coat